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host, producer

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Late 4 Class w/ Conrad Burgos Jr is a live variety show hosted by a teacher trying to be funny . . . or a comedian, trying to teach.
(doc segments, interview, musical performances)

After 3 years, the project has evolved into LASTSUMMER, where I trade late nite talkshow format for XR installation, and experiential design
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Recap of the first livestream Staying Alive which premiered 4/24/20. Featuring Special Guests: Malik Gray (writer), Rashaad Holley (Designer), Rad Learns Guns w/ Frank, Ari and Tati. Musical Guest: LOVERBOIDRE performing "Stranger," shot by Alia Williams

To support out-of-work artists during COVID (march and April)

the L4C team commissioned some portraits of

Conrad from artists around the world. 

Featuring Pieces by:


ig: xiii_513

ig: Asofiaw



ig:Baby_Butta (Kadejah Hooks)


w/ SFX by Conrad Burgos Jr.

Field piece: Rad Learns Guns, from Mental Health professional and longtime outdoorsman, Frank Gugino. Crew members Arionne Liburd (audio) and Natatyana Conner (Video) take some shots as well. 

w/ help from Michael Clayback.

Produced and Edited by Conrad Burgos Jr

Premiered during the 4/24/20 livestream, "Staying Alive"

Conrad gets vulnerable in this NSFW promo for the

final Late 4 Class episode:


After the first live shows I streamed live to youtube (COVID),

keeping the interactive element alive

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